Social change in contemporary China and the theory of social contradictions

Wang, Weiguang

Social change in contemporary China and the theory of social contradictions : the social class and interest group analysis in contemporary China - 2° ed. - Reino unido Paths International Beijing China Social Sciences Press 2015 - 333 p.

Contents: --Preface to second edition. --Preface. A THEORETICAL STUDY OF CONTRADICTIONS AMONG THE PEOPLE: 1) The proposition of the theory of contradictions among the people and its main content. 2) The enrichment and development of the theory of contradictions among the people under the new historical conditions. 3) Contradictions among the people constitute the primary kind of contradictions of human relations in chinese society at the present stage. 4) Correctly understanding and handling interest contradictions among the people in the new era. 5) Correctly understand and handle ideological contradictions among the people in the new era. 6) Correct understanding and handling of the contradiction between the leaders and the masses in the new era. 7) Actively preventing and correctly handling the intensification of contradictions among the people. 8) Basic principles of and methods for the correct handling of contradictions among the people in the new era. AN ANALYSIS OF THE CLASSES, STRATA AND INTEREST GROUPS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS AT THE PRIMARY STAGE OF SOCIALISM IN CHINA: 9) Scientific methods for analyzing social classes, strata and interest groups and their relationship. 10) New changes in classes, strata and interest groups in present-day China. 11) Interest groups in the primary stage of socialism and contradictions among these groups. 12) Major changes in China's working class in the new era. 13) Changes China's farmer class in the new era. 14) The new conditions and characteristics of some new social strata and interest groups. 15) The formation and characteristics of social stratumengagen in non-public economic sectors. 16) The characteristics of China's middle-income group at the present stage. 17) Correctly handling contradictions among the people to build a harmonious socialist society. The global financial crisis and the historical destiny of socialism and marxism (20th september, 2010)

Este libro examina las diversas contradicciones sociales que se encuentran en el corazón de la estrategia de China de mantener una sociedad socialista armoniosa a la vez que genera un vertiginoso crecimiento económico. Editado por un miembro de alto rango de la Academia China de Ciencias Sociales, el libro analiza las raíces y los antecedentes de las teorías clave de la contradicción, junto con las implicaciones prácticas en la China moderna. El contenido está dividido en dos partes únicas. La primera sección se centra en las contradicciones entre las personas, mientras que la segunda sección examina las contradicciones entre diferentes grupos sociales y clases sociales. Sistemático y de gran alcance, el libro proporciona una comprensión clara de las percepciones e ideas de China sobre la teoría de la contradicción social. Será especialmente relevante para los estudiosos en ciencias sociales/estudios del socialismo, estudios de la teoría marxista y estudios chinos/asiáticos.



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